24th July 2020 Rush National School 6th Class Graduation
See the link below for some footage of our recent graduations for 6th class.
6th Class Graduation – Videos ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2nd – 26th June 2020 Rush National School Art Week
Welcome to Rush National School Art Week! Please take a look at the posters below to see how you can get involved.
Art Week Choice Boards ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
19th June 2020 Active Week Winners
The creativity involved in the design of the obstacle courses was superb!
First Place: The Dream Team – Holly, Anastasia, Nathan, Robin, Pola & Dominic
Second Place: George C -Stuntman
Third Place: Hazel C.
Some photos of the entries below.

18th June 2020 Team Awards
Click on the link below to view the nominees and winners of this year’s Team Awards.
5th June 2020 Active Week
This week is Active Week in Rush National School! Click on the links below for some skills and workout videos. You might spot a teacher you know!
12th June 2020 Wellbeing Week
Here are our winners of the “Rush National School is Learning from Home” creative competition. The winners and their entries can be viewed by clicking the links below.
8th – 12th June 2020 Our Staff during Wellbeing Week
To celebrate the start of Rush National School Wellbeing Week, the staff have compiled some words of encouragement and positivity for the school community. See the link below.
https://spark.adobe.com/video/DLQmcFEVyZ3vm ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
8th – 12th June 2020 Student Council during Wellbeing Week
As Rush National School Wellbeing Week is underway, our Student Council have created a short video to spread the message of keeping healthy, happy and grateful during these times. Please click the link below to view it.
8th – 12th June 2020 Wellbeing Week
A healthy use of time – did you guess what your teacher was up to? Click on the link below to find out!
A Healthy Use of Time Teachers Revealed
29th May 2020 Our Plan for June
Take a look at the link below for a round-up of our school news and our exciting plans for the month of June.
https://spark.adobe.com/video/CQfDWomt9Zy65 .. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
26th May 2020 Working from home
Everybody is still working hard at home. Check out our photos to see what we have been up to!

7th May 2020 More photos of working from home! . .

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29th April 2020 Working from home
Check out some of the work that we have been doing at home. We have been dancing, reading, doing projects, experimenting and even growing plants! .


Recent correspondence to parents
1. Letter 12th March 2020 – Information on school closure
2. Letter 13th March 2020 – Resources for learning at home
3. Letter 16th March 2020 – Reverse St. Patrick’s Day parade
4. Letter 18th March 2020 – Edco online learning
5. Letter 18th March 2020 – CJ Fallon online learning
6. Letter 22nd March 2020 – Update for parents
7. Letter 24th March 2020 – Statement from the Department of Education and Skills
8. Letter 26th March 2020 – Helpful links
9. Letter 2nd April 2020 – Easter
10. Letter 3rd April 2020 – From Mr. Doran to all pupils, Easter
12th March 2020 Covid -19 (Coronavirus)
Please see documentation and advice on Covid-19 below.
12th March Statement from the Department of Education and Skills
Advice to parents from the Chief Medical Officer
Advice to principals from the Department of Health
Information for schools and pre-school setting
Advice for people who have come to Ireland from other countries including visitors
Statement from the National Public Health Emergency Team
5th March 2020 World Book Day
We celebrated ‘World Book Day’ on Thursday, 5th March. The pupils came to school dressed as their favourite book characters! We also participated in the ‘Bring a Book, Buy a Book’ campaign and raised €1185 for St. Michael’s House.

14th February 2020 St. Valentine’s Day
Love is in the air around Rush National School….

2nd February 2020 Quiz Teams
Our U13 and U11 quiz teams represented our school at the weekend and did us proud. Our U13 team came in 5th place while our U11 team came in 2nd place!

2nd February 2020 Peace Proms
A huge congratulations to the choir who performed at Peace Proms in the RDS on Sunday 2nd of February. Peace Proms is ran by The Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland (CBOI) which was established in 1995 as a peace initiative and is composed of over 100 exceptionally talented young musicians from all over Ireland and Northern Ireland. The children had the opportunity to sing with the orchestra as well as many other professional musicians. Well done to the choir for their dedication and hard work in preparation for the concert.

25th June 2019 Student Council Survey
Our student council recently carried out a very interesting survey among the pupils of Rush National School and published their findings. Click below to read their latest publication.
10th June 2019 Sport Awards
Sportsmanship, dedication, participation, commitment and pride in the school crest were all acknowledged and celebrated today at our Sport Awards.

31st May 2019 Brave to Shave
What a day it has been in Rush National School! Five teachers are a little light headed (pun intended!) for the long weekend. A big thank you to all those involved; the nominees, the donators and the organisers. An enjoyable day for all and, most importantly, an amazing amount of money raised to support both Jason and Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin. Over €9600 and rising…. Check out this link for some video footage of the event and some photos below! Brave to Shave video link

The result….

20th May 2019 Fire Safety
Today, our 3rd and 4th classes had a visit from Dublin Fire Brigade who delivered an informative talk on fire safety. They learned about the dangers of carbon monoxide, safety measures that should be taken at home and the importance of having an escape plan.

17th May 2019 Farm Visit
Junior and Senior Infants had the opportunity to get up close and personal with many kinds of animals!

16th May 2019 Drumming Check out the photos of our drumming workshop! We learned how to use beat, rhythm and crescendo in our music.

16th May 2019 Jeanie Johnson
All of our 5th classes made the trip into Dublin city centre to visit the Jeanie Johnson Tall Ship. They learned what life was like for the passengers aboard the ship who made the transatlantic voyage to an uncertain future in North America.

9th May 2019 Grandparents’ Day
Today we welcomed grandparents into school. They were treated to a debate presentation and a drama performance by the older boys and girls. Then we invited them into our classrooms where they spent time teaching us about what life was like in days gone by. We learned songs and dances, about toys and games, and we learned about the traditions that have endured the test of time. We enjoyed the wealth of knowledge that they shared with us.

4th April 2019 Easter Raffle Prize Winners
Thanks to our sponsors, we had some amazing prizes to give away!

13th April 2019 Easter Bake Sale
Cakes of all shapes and sizes appeared in Rush National School today to raise €2021! From bunnies to bonnets, our pupils showed fantastic creativity in their baking!

5th April 2019 Wellbeing Week – Part 4
Our Wellbeing Week concluded with a panel discussion with Mr. Byrne on Friday morning. 6th class were given the opportunity to ask the panel questions about teamwork, leadership and dedication to the job. The panel consisted of Con Murphy, Ms. Emmett and Mr. Doran. Ms. Burke lead 1st and 2nd classes in some mindfulness art and each pupil made their very own calming glitter jar!

3rd April 2019 Wellbeing Week – Part 3
Our Wellbeing Week continued with morning workouts with Mr. Byrne and Mr. Conroy. Mr. Conroy also spoke to our 4th classes about the importance of sleep in maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Ms. Fortune delivered a presentation to our teachers on the benefits of Play Therapy.

2nd April 2019 Wellbeing Week – Part 2 Our yoga continued today with Ms. L. McGuiness. We also had a visit from Foodoppi who taught us about mindful eating by using our senses. We had the opportunity to look, smell, taste and touch the food!

1st April 2019 Wellbeing Week – Part 1
Wellbeing Week kicked off to a healthy start with advice from Ms. R. McGuinness on how to prepare a nutritious breakfast. The pupils got involved in both the preparation and tasting! The afternoon saw Ms. L. McGuinness teach the pupils some new yoga techniques. Yoga has been proven to restore calm and support positive mental health in children.

28th March 2019 International Day
All the nationalities and cultures that make up our school community were celebrated in Rush National School today.

23rd March 2019 Daffodil Day
Thanks to some of the wonderful pupils in our school under the guidance of Ms. Donnelly and Ms. Daly, Rush. N.S. pupils enjoyed a drink and biscuit in the P.E. hall today. They donated what they could and raised almost €1400 for the Irish Cancer Society!
Thank you to our organisers and supporters.

19th March 2019 Seachtain na Gaeilge – Cuid a ceathair
Chuireamar deireadh le Seachtain na Gaeilge inniu le drámaíocht darbh ainm ‘An Cailleach Santach’ sa halla.
Bhí an-spraoi againn ag canadh ‘s ag éisteacht le scéalta trí Ghaeilge.

14th March 2019 Seachtain na Gaeilge – Cuid a trí
Tá daltaí cumasacha againn inár scoil agus bhí an t-ádh linn gur chuir siad seó ar síul dúinn sa halla inniu.
Féach ar an tallann.

13th March 2019 Seachtain na Gaeilge – Cuid a dó
Lean Seachtain na Gaeilge ar aghaidh inniu le Tóraíocht Taisce sa chlós do rang a haon agus rang a dó.
Bhain na páistí an-taitneamh as an lá!

12th March 2019 Seachtain na Gaeilge – Cuid a haon
Chuireamar tús le Seachtain na Gaeilge le déanaí. Inniu bhí tráth na gceist ar siúl sa halla le rang a trí agus rang a ceathair. Beatha teanga í a labhairt!

11th March 2019 Olympic Handball
The Olympic Handball Leinster finals took place on Monday, 11th March in Blanchardstown National Indoor Arena. Rush N.S. beat Yellow Furze 3-2 in the semi-final and progressed to the final, beating Kildare Educate Together National School 3-1. Well done girls! Leinster champions!

7th March 2019 World Book Day
Our school was an interesting place to be today. From Gangsta’ Granny to Greg Heffley, you could meet any one of your favourite book characters, just around the corner! While the pupils had fun dressing up and sifting through a great variety of books, we are delighted to say we raised a lot of money for St. Michael’s House. Thank you to everyone who helped to organise and support this event. We hope the pupils enjoy their new books – happy reading!

4th March 2019 World Book Day
Please read attached letter with details on our ‘Bring a Book, Buy a Book’ event on World Book Day, in aid of St. Michael’s House.
World Book Day is this Thursday, 7th March.
World Book Day, Bring a Book, Buy a Book – newsletter
6th February 2019 Battle of the Book 2019
Boys and girls from Mr. McNicholas’ class took part in Battle of the Books competition organised by Fingal Libraries and Dublin Airport Authority. Members of the class participated in a quiz on 6th February in the Riasc Centre, Swords.

1st February 2019 Drama in Rush National School!
We have been very lucky to have Adrienne, a very talented drama teacher, come into many of our classrooms. She has taught us about freeze frames, improvisation and character development. It has been great fun!

21st January 2019 January Newsletter
Click the link below to view the newsletter.
16th January 2019 Active School Week
This week is Active School Week in Rush N.S. and our pupils are becoming involved in all types of activities. They can be spotted running in the yard, doing RTE’s “10@10” and even arriving early to school for a morning workout! Active School Week all about fun and participation and it helps to remind us that, not only is exercise good for our health, it can be enjoyable too!

11th January 2019 BizWorld Ireland
5th class pupils in Rush N.S. were lucky enough to become involved in enterprise workshops offered by BizWorld Ireland. The children were taken through the entire entrepreneurial cycle – from company formation and applying for jobs, to market research and designing, producing and marketing their own business ideas. The pupils practised the skills of collaboration, communication and negotiation. Watch out Dragon’s Den!
21st December 2018 December Highlights
From Living Museums to Secret Santa, Rush N.S. was a hive of activity in December! Check out some of the highlights from our classrooms.

19th December 2018 Santa’s Visit
We had an unexpected visit from a very special man at school today. Arriving by fire brigade, he certainly caused a stir as the the children of Rush N.S. spilled out to the yard to see what the commotion was! Santa took the time to visit the classrooms and ensure all the children they had made the ‘Nice List’!!!

19th December 2018 Christmas Quiz
Today saw Mr. Doran take on the role of quizmaster as teams battled it out to win ‘Rush N.S. Christmas Quiz’! Spot prizes and seasonal jokes helped us all to get into the festive spirit!

18th December 2018 Junior Infant Nativity
Some budding young stars were spotted today at the Millbank Theatre as Junior Infants took to the stage!

14th December 2018 Movies at the Millbank
Our Christmas festivities kicked off this week with a trip to the Millbank Theatre. We watched an old classic, “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory”. Thank you to all at the Millbank Theatre for facilitating our visit. We loved it!

We have an action packed week ahead, full of Christmas festivities. Check back for some snaps of the fun!