School Life

Use the drop down menu to read more about the various initiatives within our school.























































































Class Level Initiatives

We are lucky in Rush National School to experience a range of different initiatives across our class levels. Guided Reading Our Early Literacy Intervention Programme ‘Guided Reading’ is implemented in our senior infants classes each year. As part of this intervention, the children engage in activities to develop their reading and comprehension skills. The ultimate …


With the support of the Parents Association Committee, each year sees our school celebrate Halloween and Easter with the running of a bake sale. Many children showcase their baking skills while others delight in admiring and tasting the baked goods! Our Halloween and Easter bake sales are important events in our school calendar as they …

Green Schools

We, at Rush National School, have been a ‘Green School’ since 2005. Over that time we have achieved many Green Flags by successfully achieving the criteria laid down by An Taisce. This is a school and community-wide project. We strongly encourage the sentiment of ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’. The children are encouraged to use reusable lunch …


Rainbows supports children and young people in groups. There are groups for children and young people who have been affected by the death of a close family member or whose family has changed because their parents have separated or divorced. Rainbows groups run once a week for twelve weeks. If you are interested in your …

School Teams

Team  Manager   Boy’s Soccer Mr. O’Hara / Mr. Byrne   Girl’s Soccer Ms. Tighe / Ms. Weldon   Boy’s Hurling Mr. Keena / Mr. Comiskey   Girl’s Camogie Ms. Sheely / Ms. Costello   Boy’s Olympic Handball Ms. Carolan / Mr. Berkeley   Girl’s Olympic Handball Ms. Cusack / Ms. Murray   Boy’s Senior …


Here at Rush National School we strive to provide a well-ordered, caring, happy and secure atmosphere where the intellectual, spiritual, physical, moral and cultural needs of the pupils are identified and addressed. Central to our ethos and to the holistic development of each child, is the promotion of Wellbeing. We turn to the World Health …