Rush National School is a co-educational, denominational primary school with a Roman Catholic ethos under the patronage of the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin and operates within the schedule of a Catholic school.
- It celebrates the uniqueness of the child, as is expressed in each child’s personality, intelligence and potential for development.
- It strives to nurture the child in all dimensions of his/her life – spiritual, moral, cognitive, emotional, imaginative, aesthetic, social, physical and cultural.
- It supports the principles of inclusiveness, equality of access and of participation in school life, with respect for diversity of traditions, values, beliefs, languages and ways of life in society, whilst working within the context of the rules and regulations of the Department of Education and Skills.
- It promotes effective skills in communication essential for personal, social and educational fulfillment.
- It strives to enable children to develop a positive attitude and an appreciation of the value and practice of life-long learning.
- It enables the child to develop a respect for cultural difference, an appreciation of civic responsibility, and an understanding of the social dimensions of life, past and present.
- Rush National School promotes the involvement of parents in meeting their child’s/children’s educational needs through home/school contact and their participation in whole school community activities and events.
- Rush National School promotes gender equity and equal opportunity among its pupils and staff.
- Déanfaidh Scoil Náisiúnta Ros Eó iarracht Gaeilge a chothú agus a chaomhnú agus í a labhairt go foirmiúil agus go neamh fhoirmiúil tríd na scoile, ag glacadh gach deis chun grá a spreagadh agus a chothú inár dteanga dhúchais.
- Rush National School strives to enable the child to meet, with self – confidence and assurance, the demands of life, both now and in the future.